Attendee Pricing
Industry Attendee - $450
Tribal Attendee - $350
Exhibitor Pricing
10' x 10' Exhibit Booth - $2,850.00 Additional 10' x 10' Booths - $1,350 each.
Example Pricing for a 20'x20' Booth - $2,850+3($1,350)=$6,900
Includes 1-8' skirted table, 2 chairs, a wastebasket and booth ID sign.
NOTE: Major & Exclusive Sponsors receive a free 20' x 20' booth space with their sponsorship.
Sponsorship Pricing
Exclusive Sponsorship - $15,000
Logo Displayed on OIGA Website | Full Page Ad in Digital Trade Show Guide | Logo Displayed on Exhibit Hall Banner | 20'x20' Exhibit Space - includes 1-8' skirted table, 2 chairs, a wastebasket and booth ID sign.
Major Sponsorship - $10,000
Logo Displayed on OIGA Website | Half Page Ad in Digital Trade Show Guide | Logo Displayed on Exhibit Hall Banner | 20'x20' Exhibit Space - includes 1-8' skirted table, 2 chairs, a wastebasket and booth ID sign.
Bonus Sponsorships
Tuesday Breakfast Sponsor (limit 4) - $2,500
Tuesday Lunch Sponsor (limit 6) - $2,500
Wednesday Breakfast Sponsor (limit 4) - $2,500
Wednesday Lunch Sponsor (limit 6) - $2,500
Trade Show Reception Food Sponsor (limit 4) - $2,500
Trade Show Reception Beverage Sponsor (limit 4) - $2,500
Kick Off Party Food Sponsor (limit 4) - $2,500
Lanyard Sponsor (limit 1) - $4,000 - Sold Out
Mobil App Sponsor (limit 1) - $4,000 - Sold Out
Shuttle Sponsor - Sold Out